Sunday, April 29, 2012

Grandma's Couch on Sunday Evenings

Happy Birthday Grandma!  Grandma would be 111 this year!  :)

As I've been thinking about Grandma this week, I realized that most of the things I know about her or learned from her I learned while sitting next to her on her couch each Sunday!

For as long as I can remember, my special spot was next to Grandma on her couch!  Week after week, year after year, until I got married that is where I'd sit.

Some of the things I learned were SUPER HOT WATER is great to soothe that nagging cough!  "A wise old owl sat in the oak, the more he saw the less spoke, the less he spoke the more he heard, imitate that wise old bird!"  Chocolate and coconut go great together...which is a Southwick trait!!  The family feud over which color of licorice is best will never end.  :)  Personally I like black!  :)

Grandma always tried to teach me not to procrastinate and a job should be well done!  Grandma's hands were always busy making something!  She taught me how to knit and to crochet!  :)  I even knit my own scarf when I was little, with her guidance!  :)

I heard plenty of funny stories over the years...and learned that Grandma had quite the spunky spirit!  Sweet Grandma!!!

I will always treasure those special hours sitting by her side!!  :)

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